So Proud of My City!!!!
Detroit, Michigan ('re dead)
I have many aliases, most will appear during the duration of this blog (about 2 weeks). I'm bad at telling people about myself, I kinda just like to be myself and let them form their own conclusion, so as far as you know, I'm just an average dude with a computer (aka a PEDO!). I LOVE cereal, all kinds, I'll probably post a lot of Cereal Reviews on here in an attempt to educate my fellow brothers and sisters about the aspect of my malnutritionification! (MESSAGE!). My album will be in stores soon (I'm black, so by default, i rap, don't judge me). I have an incredulous fetish for boobs, its almost scary, then again...who doesn't?, a lot of things irritate me, which is why I've decided to create this blog, please don't be offended, I am a very peaceful person, If you happen to read something you don't agree with, just let me know, I love talking things out (aka F*** YO OPINION SON!) lol j/k :)


Sick Leave

Cough Cough, Sniff Sniff

That's what I've been doing for the past few days!, I know I promised yall (all 2 of you) pics of the cake sliced etc., but I've been so draineded and all I've been doing is going sleepy bye :(.  I've also been going through some things with myself, mentally, and some things with my family, financially, so my next couple entries will probably be on a more serious note, I usually change my background to fit my mood, so if you come on here and see a dude blowing his brains out, dont be weirded out, just know im depressed lol.

Blogspot and Me

People laugh at me for having a blogspot dude.  I get called "lame" and "loser", I mean can you believe people don't think I'm cool?! lol, anyway, though I don't have more than 5 followers (including unsubscribed).  I feel more comfortable here, I haven't felt comfortable blogging anywhere since the D.O.M (death of myspace).  I have a tumblr ( as you can see I don't use it, maybe I just need to warm up to it, maybe I'll never warm up to it, maaaaybe the Backstreet Boys will get back together and do another album -shrug- I mean who knows ya know? Since I've been blogging here i tend to feel a lot more loose in "real life" (the life that exists outside of this life....its like a life within a  I feel like Doug writing in his journal. Every time I sit down and start a new post, I see porkchop dancing on my bed with his headphones on, and  there's a white cloud over my head with a basketball shaped head black chick with yellow hair (just realized I said "head" like 5 times in a 2 word sentence dude) yeah, for those who read, thank you for reading, please continue to do so, I guarantee you, these entries are about to get a lot more interesting, we all suffer from blogger-itis (spend all day making a blog but when its time to post something you all of a sudden have nothing to talk/rant about) at some point in our harsh lives, so until next time (probably gonna do 1 or 2 more posts before this day is over with) peace and mo Old Navy fleece!! (yeah you had one...its still in your moms're just waiting for them to come back in style)

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