Standard Definition TV!
a certain relative who happens to be living with me, decided to ditch Comcast and ordered Directv ("dont just watch it"--see what they did there?) This particular individual didnt think that maybe my eyes just arent made for standard definition viewing, so I'm here slowly dying a little bit each time I take a look back at my 1080p Samsung LCD HDTV displaying a grainy stretched out stupid unclear standard definition picture!!
Welcome to my first real rant ladies and gentleman.Standard Def. vs. Hi-Def. (HD).
Unfortunately the average american who owns a tv made after the year 2004 arent even using it properly, and by properly, I mean taking advantage of all its purposes. If you wait til tax time to buy a new TV just in time for the Super Bowl, please buy at least a 5.1 stereo system with it, dont try to max the volume out on your TV thinking just because its on 99 everyone including the neighbors can hear, it just sounds stupid and annoying!
If you save one of your bi-weekly checks that you plan to dedicate to buying a new HDTV, please, please, make sure you can tell the difference between Standard Def. and Hi-Def. I've heard and seen so many times, mostly from the female species: "whats the difference?", "all that HD stuff doesnt matter to me, I just want a big TV", "whats 1080p?" and "whats an HDMI chord?". If you go to Best Buy or where ever you plan to go to purchase your spiffy new HDTV, and you see all the 32-60inch TV's hanging there for your pleasure, if you can look at the picture quality on each of these HDTV's and not see a difference in quality, especially compared to what you're watching TV on at home? You shouldnt be purchasing one, period, dont buy a 40inch 720p Plasma TV if you cant even tell the difference between Chicken and Beef.
If you arent sure of something, just ask, chances are, the person you are asking is just as technologically illiterate as you are, but they are being paid so they have to be trained to know/say certain things, more than 90% of the time they probably couldnt even tell you the REAL difference between 1080p and 720p. Moving on. So, lets say you go ahead and buy you a nice 32inch LCD HDTV (most common size in america) you're ready to get home, hook that bad baby up, and start watching some HDTV, a lot of people are under the impression that, the TV is supposed to do all of the work or they feel they are already watching HDTV cause they spent 500+ dollars on a new HDTV so it'd better be HDTVing! Chances are?...its not. Please do your research, and don't be afraid to ask, if you plan to buy a new HDTV. Call your cable service provider and ask them about their HD services (cable box and channel line up) and how much would it be, etc., know what cables you should be using so your TV outputs the best picture and audio quality. As of right now, you cant beat an HDMI cable, transfers video and audio at the highest rate with the best quality. If your cable service provider does not supply you with one during your HD cable box setup, just purchase one, they can range from $15 to over $100, the $15 will do just fine. Now that you've got your nice shiny new HDTV, with your new Comcast (whoever!) HD-DVR, got everything hooked up, now, to watch TV. DO NOT. Turn on the TV and go straight to the Standard-Def .channels you normally watch and expect to see a change...cause you wont see anything...just an ugly grainy stretched out stupid picture!. Most HD channels end with "HD" or just "D", if you're still not sure, ask your cable service provider to provide you with a list that provides all the channels your cable box is provided for! (lol I do what I just said, lets try that again). If you're still not sure what HD channels you have, just ask your cable service provider, they'll be glad to tell you. For the most part, a lot of channels still do not broadcast in HD (720p,1080i,1080p), which is why its so easy to only watch the standard channels you're used to watching, but this is why its important to do your research, that way you don't waste money.
All n00bs to the HDTV world will come across a lot of questions and concerns, if you happen to be an HDTV n00b reading this, I'll be happy to answer any question or questions you may have. So I'm wrapping this rant up, which turned into an, 'HDTV for Idiots', lecture. I guess it was more of a sugarcoated rant, and I wouldn't have felt right if I just attacked Standard-Deffers and not offered a helping hand. I'm going to try this ranting thing again later lol Peace and mo Old Navy Fleece!