So Proud of My City!!!!
Detroit, Michigan ('re dead)
I have many aliases, most will appear during the duration of this blog (about 2 weeks). I'm bad at telling people about myself, I kinda just like to be myself and let them form their own conclusion, so as far as you know, I'm just an average dude with a computer (aka a PEDO!). I LOVE cereal, all kinds, I'll probably post a lot of Cereal Reviews on here in an attempt to educate my fellow brothers and sisters about the aspect of my malnutritionification! (MESSAGE!). My album will be in stores soon (I'm black, so by default, i rap, don't judge me). I have an incredulous fetish for boobs, its almost scary, then again...who doesn't?, a lot of things irritate me, which is why I've decided to create this blog, please don't be offended, I am a very peaceful person, If you happen to read something you don't agree with, just let me know, I love talking things out (aka F*** YO OPINION SON!) lol j/k :)


Rant #1

Standard Definition TV!

a certain relative who happens to be living with me, decided to ditch Comcast and ordered Directv ("dont just watch it"--see what they did there?) This particular individual didnt think that maybe my eyes just arent made for standard definition viewing, so I'm here slowly dying a little bit each time I take a look back at my 1080p Samsung LCD HDTV displaying a grainy stretched out stupid unclear standard definition picture!! 

Welcome to my first real rant ladies and gentleman.Standard Def. vs. Hi-Def. (HD).  

Unfortunately the average american who owns a tv made after the year 2004 arent even using it properly, and by properly, I mean taking advantage of all its purposes.  If you wait til tax time to buy a new TV just in time for the Super Bowl, please buy at least a 5.1 stereo system with it, dont try to max the volume out on your TV thinking just because its on 99 everyone including the neighbors can hear, it just sounds stupid  and annoying!  

If you save one of your bi-weekly checks that you plan to dedicate to buying a new HDTV, please, please, make sure you can tell the difference between Standard Def. and Hi-Def.  I've heard and seen so many times, mostly from the female species: "whats the difference?", "all that HD stuff doesnt matter to me, I just want a big TV", "whats 1080p?" and "whats an HDMI chord?".  If you go to Best Buy or where ever you plan to go to purchase your spiffy new HDTV, and you see all the 32-60inch TV's hanging there for your pleasure, if you can look at the picture quality on each of these HDTV's and not see a difference in quality, especially compared to what you're watching TV on at home? You shouldnt be purchasing one, period, dont buy a 40inch 720p Plasma TV if you cant even tell the difference between Chicken and Beef.  


If you arent sure of something, just ask, chances are, the person you are asking is just as technologically illiterate as you are, but they are being paid so they have to be trained to know/say certain things, more than 90% of the time they probably couldnt even tell you the REAL difference between 1080p and 720p.  Moving on.  So, lets say you go ahead and buy you a nice 32inch LCD HDTV (most common size in america) you're ready to get home, hook that bad baby up, and start watching some HDTV, a lot of people are under the impression that, the TV is supposed to do all of the work or they feel they are already watching HDTV cause they spent 500+ dollars on a new HDTV so it'd better be HDTVing!  Chances are?...its not.  Please do your research, and don't be afraid to ask, if you plan to buy a new HDTV.  Call your cable service provider and ask them about their HD services (cable box and channel line up) and how much would it be, etc., know what cables you should be using so your TV outputs the best picture and audio quality.  As of right now, you cant beat an HDMI cable, transfers video and audio at the highest rate with the best quality.  If your cable service provider does not supply you with one during your HD cable box setup, just purchase one, they can range from $15 to over $100, the $15 will do just fine.  Now that you've got your nice shiny new HDTV, with your new Comcast (whoever!) HD-DVR, got everything hooked up, now, to watch TV.  DO NOT.  Turn on the TV and go straight to the Standard-Def .channels you normally watch and expect to see a change...cause you wont see anything...just an ugly grainy stretched out stupid picture!.  Most HD channels end with "HD" or just "D", if you're still not sure, ask your cable service provider to provide you with a list that provides all the channels your cable box is provided for! (lol I do what I just said, lets try that again).  If you're still not sure what HD channels you have, just ask your cable service provider, they'll be glad to tell you.  For the most part, a lot of channels still do not broadcast in HD (720p,1080i,1080p), which is why its so easy to only watch the standard channels you're used to watching, but this is why its important to do your research, that way you don't waste money.  


All n00bs to the HDTV world will come across a lot of questions and concerns, if you happen to be an HDTV n00b reading this, I'll be happy to answer any question or questions you may have. So I'm wrapping this rant up, which turned into an, 'HDTV for Idiots', lecture.  I guess it was more of a sugarcoated rant, and I wouldn't have felt right if I just attacked Standard-Deffers and not offered a helping hand.  I'm going to try this ranting thing again later lol Peace and mo Old Navy Fleece!

Winter Cleaning

Its A New Day!

For no reason at all I have an uncanny amount of energy! (probably still running off the fuel from that huge box of fruit snacks from last week) I have a habit of changing my bachelor pad (room) around every couple of months, its a fetish, I realized sometime last year that I got it from my mom.  So I'm up at like 2am, talking to myself as usual, looking around, got up and started moving things, I wish I had come to that conclusion Sunday morning when the sun was up, cause I started to realize it wasnt going to be an easy task.  I hit the sack around 6am this morning dude, woke up around 9am, ate a bowl of the featured box in COTW (cereal of the week) and got started again!  The main reason why I couldnt finish last night, there was a LOT  of vacuuming that needed to be done, I didnt want to wake my young cereal killing niece.  Seems like the more I cleaned, the more energy I got, especially when I hooked my iPod up to my speaker system, Dancing + Cleaning = the shizzz.  Its a great feeling though, waking up early and cleaning for a couple of hours, makes you feel, fresh, and brand new.  I noticed I had WAY too many boxes in my room, I have a lot of things I just keep around for no good reason, It goes with my personality too, like I remember a lot of unnecessary or weird things about people and my friends.  My house is gonna be like Fred Sanford's dude lol, but I usually I end up giving certain things away or they'll come in handy on some random day when I need it, so I'm always happy I've never thrown out anything.  Some things just had to go today like this random light bulb in my closet [looking in my trash] I got little boxes of stuff dude, all over the place from when I was constantly buying stuff from ebay and amazon etc., like the box my Booty Sweat came in lol.  I opened the window and almost felt like I was floating (or I was chuck norris), freaking winter breeze is amazing dude, smells and feels awesome.


I'm not living up to my name dude!, I have yet to rant! lol, this will change today!, I'm gonna find something to rant about even if I have to force myself to come up with something!, Im gonna be on this mofo ranting about paper towels and tissue! but dang it I'll be ranting!!


My Travels

I do a lot of traveling via Google Earth, lol, I know I know, but its fun!(it can also be used as an awesome stalker program for those of you who like to stare at your lovers house and say "that's his/her car!"). Using Google Earth to "travel", always makes me more anxious to get rich so I can REALLY travel, that's the first thing I want to do. In my head movies (dreams) I'm usually laid back in an RV kicking it with my cousins, or I'm riding solo in one of my dream cars, making random stops to take pics and get junk food or pulling into a rest area and taking a nap. Whoever I was going to see, I never told em' I was coming, so if I pop up at yo place some day, just be happy! lol Though I wouldn't mind taking a tour around the country with my cousins, I think it'd be better to go alone, mainly cause I'll be making a lot of personal visits. Some people gotta know exactly where they going and how long they gonna be there and mofos be getting irritated and wanting to go back home, I want to be on the road for like a whole year straight lol Enough about my Lord of the Rings adventures. Peace and Mo Old Navy Fleece!


Ventilation #1

Knowing and Feeling

Some days I feel so alone, like no one will ever understand me or even come close to thinking about the things I think about, this is a problem we all have or have had at some point, but I pray and work on it everyday, because I believe its that difference between, knowing and feeling, that drives some people to commit suicide.  The past few years have been tough on me mentally-shoot, tough period.  Emotional ups and downs, financial issues, things I wish never happened, being a real-life "good luck chuck" (lol some other day man) but that's all apart of life.  For the longest time I've struggled with this knowing and feeling thing, I believe its natural, but, it should only effect you to an extent. To know you have people who do love you, are always looking out for you, not trying to hurt you, just want nothing more but for you to be happy, is an amazing thing, but if you don't feel it? its the worse, I've sat in the dark some nights and told myself, "I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy".  To feel so alone, and not loved by anyone, including God (or whomever you worship), to feel so empty man, its...exactly that, empty, and that usually follows with thoughts of suicide, death etc.  Its a powerful thing, and if handled improperly....well you know the possible endings.  At one point, it was so bad for me, where, I just wanted to be a mute, check into an asylum, stay in my room forever, never saying a word to anybody, and I still have my days when I'm like that, it'll consume you, to the point of no return. There's almost this, hypnosis feel to it with me sometimes, like I'll be chilling in the dark, dead to the world, and someone will hit me up with a problem or wanting to talk and I'll just snap right out of it.  I'm thankful I have the ability to push my issues and problems aside to help someone deal with theirs, I wish that feeling could be more mutual though.  I'm gonna continue to try and do better and really appreciate the people who support me and the ones who really show how much they love me, I know they see the change in me, and they don't like it, I don't like it either, I'd be lying if I said some of the changes that have happened over the past few years seem to be for the better, but its like, a double edged sword man, you have to pick your poison.  I let myself roll down the hill, now I gotta attempt to, stop rolling turn around, get my ish straight, and go back uphill, it's gonna be tough, the way things are going I don't think I can even make it back up, but I'm trying.

Sick Leave

Cough Cough, Sniff Sniff

That's what I've been doing for the past few days!, I know I promised yall (all 2 of you) pics of the cake sliced etc., but I've been so draineded and all I've been doing is going sleepy bye :(.  I've also been going through some things with myself, mentally, and some things with my family, financially, so my next couple entries will probably be on a more serious note, I usually change my background to fit my mood, so if you come on here and see a dude blowing his brains out, dont be weirded out, just know im depressed lol.

Blogspot and Me

People laugh at me for having a blogspot dude.  I get called "lame" and "loser", I mean can you believe people don't think I'm cool?! lol, anyway, though I don't have more than 5 followers (including unsubscribed).  I feel more comfortable here, I haven't felt comfortable blogging anywhere since the D.O.M (death of myspace).  I have a tumblr ( as you can see I don't use it, maybe I just need to warm up to it, maybe I'll never warm up to it, maaaaybe the Backstreet Boys will get back together and do another album -shrug- I mean who knows ya know? Since I've been blogging here i tend to feel a lot more loose in "real life" (the life that exists outside of this life....its like a life within a  I feel like Doug writing in his journal. Every time I sit down and start a new post, I see porkchop dancing on my bed with his headphones on, and  there's a white cloud over my head with a basketball shaped head black chick with yellow hair (just realized I said "head" like 5 times in a 2 word sentence dude) yeah, for those who read, thank you for reading, please continue to do so, I guarantee you, these entries are about to get a lot more interesting, we all suffer from blogger-itis (spend all day making a blog but when its time to post something you all of a sudden have nothing to talk/rant about) at some point in our harsh lives, so until next time (probably gonna do 1 or 2 more posts before this day is over with) peace and mo Old Navy fleece!! (yeah you had one...its still in your moms're just waiting for them to come back in style)


My Birthday Cake!

Lets Get It!!
Mixing, those poor eggs.

 Trying to Feel Important
I just put my hand on the spoon to take a pic...but you already know that.

Freakin Image of the Week dude!

 The Sour Cream
had to be put back, it was frozen
cause someone put the fridge on the coldest temp.

 You Already Know!
I had to get in on that action

Killt x2

So Not in Order
but you get the picture!

Even though when I put on the top layer it sorta split on me (not noticeable at all)
and I ran out of icing (you can see the squawberry icing still) I had fun making it
and taking pictures, its VERY intimidating to look at in person
I had to force myself to cut it just so i can get a picture, it does looks as good as it tastes though.
P.S.- I'll have the pics from cutting it up tomorrow, the cake has weighed me down
and Im just too lazy to upload em'!

Birthday Bash(less) Weekend (Continued), Cake!!!

Birthday Wishes
The older you get, the more certain things start to become less important, or just dont have that effect, like Christmas, everyone talks about how like, they arent getting anything so its going to be wack, they arent in the Christmas spirit, Christmas is just another day, etc.  Not getting birthday wishes hasnt bothered me in a number of years, the older I got, the more I realized that sometimes people are just busy and they forget or whatever the situation is, its understandable, I'm not going to hunt you down and pout around you because you forgot about my birthday, but at the same time, there are certain people you hold close to your heart, that you kinda..expect it from.  Not just 1 female I was once in love with, but TWO and possibly THREE lol, didnt wish me a happy birthday at all this weekend.  Sometimes we tell ourselves, like before its our birthday that it wont bother us if someone doesnt say it, but you never expect it to be the ones you love on that level, know what I mean?  The fact that I had a "birthday weekend", makes it worse.  Thanks to the wonderful world of Social Networks you can plainly see that this person or these persons, has time to log in and update their status or upload new pictures, but cant say Happy Birthday?  I'm sure there's a logical explanation for it (obviously I'm in denial), maybe they were busy or really stressed out and it slipped their mind, but when you've spent so much time with someone, there are certain things you just dont forget regardless of what the situation is or what you're going through.  Every year this person or these persons wish you a happy birthday, so to just...forget, doesnt seem logical to me, maybe because we havent talked in a while or we dont talk like we used to, they tend to think "he/she probably doesnt care", and to be honest with you, I was expecting to see that at least once this weekend more than I was expecting a Birthday Wish.  I'm not one to hold a grudge, so, don't expect to see a "Birthday Chronicles: Her Birthday, I get revenge!!!" blog lol. I've let it go and just wanted that person or persons to know if they're reading this...I do care.


I didn't let that little event spoil my birthday weekend, as I mentioned yesterday, I finally made it to the grocery store so i was able to buy the fixens for my FUNFETTI CAKE!!!  I've been getting this same cake just about every year since I was like 12 dude, this year, since I had the funds for it, I wanted to go all out with it.  So its going to be like 3 FUNFETTI layers of epic goodness! with strawberry icing in the middle layers and vanilla icing smothering on the outside of the layers!!, and guess what!? 
of course I'm going to take pictures for your enjoyment.


Birthday Bash(less) Weekend, Grocery Store Trip

I finally got a ride to the grocery store! the family vehicle is in the shop and out of commission temporarily.  For some reason Kroger decided to tell their employees to do stock in the middle of the day on a Sunday afternoon, KNOWING people go to the grocery store after church to get something to eat.  The freaking aisles were a mess, I felt like Dale Earnhardt Jr. in that mofo though, cutting through Kroger employees restocking the Rice Krispies to the left, some old lady trying to get her 2% Milk to the right, and oncoming traffic trying to beat me to the open lane between the two.

Epic Grocery Store Find of the Day!!: FAMILY SIZE MULTI-PACK FRUIT SNAAAACKS (Dinosaurs, Sharks, I LOVE these fruit snacks dude, and there are 36 pouches! well...its like..5 now, lol don't judge me dude, you'd do the same thing!

My Birthday Bash(less) Weekend
Has officially ended, what did i do?, Well to the average person, I didn't do anything, I didn't go anywhere, didn't get drunk, didn't have birthday sex, didn't go to the movies, none of that.  I said my prayers, thanked God for seeing 25, and spent the rest of the day chilling.  That's usually what my birthday consists of, I know, I'm "lame", but I'm happy with it, it doesn't bother me, so, cheers to 25 more years!!
believe it or not, I do intend to blog about serious things, so there will be more on my birthday weekend later today...To Be Continued

My partially dead computer chair, im the WWE Champ!!

Smackdown vs Raw 2010 
(a wrestling game) just caused my computer chair to lose a ligament or two...yes, its all the game's fault, no one told the game to be so awesome! Anyway, I decided I wanted to play a Triple Threat Match (3 wrestlers all fighting each other at the same time) and put 2 titles on the line (WWE championship title, World championship title), it was me (Batista), Randy Orton (Randy Orton) and Edge (Edge). Here I am kicking names and taking ass, and when I say taking ass, I mean TAKING ASS!! Jumping off the top ropes, hitting them with steel chairs and lumber!, I even took the referee's ass!! (ew dude) lol anyway, after a long hard match, I had done my special move on both opponents about 5 times a piece, Edge (played by Edge) ran out of the ring to escape my wrath! BUT he forgot Randy Orton was down on the mat and ready for the count! I turned my attention to Randy, got on top of him like a hooker trying to keep her cable on, lifted his leg and the referee counted....ONE!...TWO!..Edge then enters the ring!! but its too late THREEEEEEEE!!! [simulate crowd noise with mouth] I (BATISTA) WINS!!, and there I am standing victoriously holding my 2 championship belts!!

Remember back a few days ago when i said Smackdown vs Raw 2010 caused partial death to my computer chair?, yeah, somewhere in between the referee saying "THREEEEE!!!!" I leaned back in my chair and heard a loud, POP!!, I hopped up quick like "OH S***" (I didnt curse guys, its Sunday) but thats what i was thinking!  Anyway, looks like my computer chair is gonna have to go through life with a broken...something bone, I dont know what you'd call that on a chair...I guess its the patubula. (?)

Thank You  
for reading my epic story about my chair now having a gangster lean, now when my ladies (play along) come over, I can tell them to sit in the recliner steel chair with hot orange leather cushions.


Cereal of the Week Review and my first post! [do the screaming crowd effect with your mouth]

Ficky ficky (scratching the record, play along) WAFFLE CRISP. Over the last, lets say about, 2 years, this has become one of my favoritest cereals, these syrup filled little bastards explode in your mouth (giggity) like flavor crystals when you insert a fpoonful of them into your mouth.

Brief History:
These aren't the original Waffle Crisp (click for original), as you can see they were a lot bigger, you can see straight through them, Post ended up releasing Waffle Crisp Mini's, which look like the current ones, somehow they got more popular than the originals and became the default size most of you can see in the cereal aisle of your grocery store today. (at least thats how I remember it)

Final Thought:
Waffle Crisp have a life expectancy of about 7-10 minutes in milk, thats rather quick, but considering the size, it isnt too bad, if you're a Cereal Killer like me, they'll be gone in 5 minutes. The box holds about 3 bowlfuls of cereal, that's for an average cereal bowl, not the one your mom makes pancake batter in, or the one your father soaks his potatoes in (ewwl). I wish the boxes were bigger, but whenever i buy Waffle Crisp, I ALWAYS buy 2 boxes, lasts me a good 2-4 days. If you're looking for an authentic waffle tasting cereal, you wont find it here, you probably wont EVER find it in cereal, not even Eggo could perfect the taste of an actual waffle, buuuut in conclusion, they are a definite buy, and when you finish the cereal it leaves awesome tasting syrup flavored milk, dont be a pansy, drink it out of the bowl!