So Proud of My City!!!!
Detroit, Michigan ('re dead)
I have many aliases, most will appear during the duration of this blog (about 2 weeks). I'm bad at telling people about myself, I kinda just like to be myself and let them form their own conclusion, so as far as you know, I'm just an average dude with a computer (aka a PEDO!). I LOVE cereal, all kinds, I'll probably post a lot of Cereal Reviews on here in an attempt to educate my fellow brothers and sisters about the aspect of my malnutritionification! (MESSAGE!). My album will be in stores soon (I'm black, so by default, i rap, don't judge me). I have an incredulous fetish for boobs, its almost scary, then again...who doesn't?, a lot of things irritate me, which is why I've decided to create this blog, please don't be offended, I am a very peaceful person, If you happen to read something you don't agree with, just let me know, I love talking things out (aka F*** YO OPINION SON!) lol j/k :)


Interview Marcus "The Ranter" Vol. 2

Vol. 2 
This interview was conducted
by my dear friend
Myla Seabrook

Q: If there was a zombie apocalypse, what exactly would you do? Is there anything/one you'd try to save?
A: Well, first off, during a zombie apocalypse, you cant really save anyone, we've all witnessed this in movies, you can be at work, come home, and find out your wife and 3 kids are all zombies, there really is no chance to save anyone, so, with that said, if one were to actually occur, I would take a brief look around my room, gather anything that can be a weapon, create a few weapons with what I have, find somewhere to get posted, and wait for the zombies to come to me.  The best part when playing Left 4 Dead 2, is being able to place yourself in a corner and rack up kills.

Q: It's your last meal. What are you eating?
A: Spaghetti, made by me, and a carton of Minute Maid Berry Punch to wash it down.

Q: What are your most prized possessions?, three material, and three non-material
A: I dont think that highly of anything I've purchased really, but, just for the sake of listing.  Material: My masks, my camera, my gadgets/electronics/technology-related-items, Non-material: my personality, my heart, my surrogate (this body).

Q: When you get all rich and famous and forget that you're still Marcus From the Block, would you want someone to write a book about your life story? What would the title be?
A: I dont think I'll be rich AND famous, I've never been popular, I don't ever see it happening.  I always imagine, it'd be nice to have my family and friends be on those "VH-1 Behind the music" shows, but I have no idea what they would be saying, I dont have too many friends or family that really understand me and know enough of my life story to tell like that, but if I became rich and famous, I don't think I'd want anyone to write a book about me, but it would be nice, I can imagine the title being something simple, like..."Just A Man."

Q: What do you think the world's future will be like? Will people as a whole get worse, or do you think worldwide peace is on the horizon?
A: I think its going to get a lot worse, the way technology is advancing and all, and there will be a great collapse, I have faith in this generation and future generations, there will be a revolution, but when it happens, it will definitely be needed, and then, we can start all over again.

Q: Afterlife: yes or no? Why or why not?
A: I have theories that are yet to be solidified in my mind about the afterlife, but yes, there is an afterlife.  I have one theory where, we are free to create our own world, or choose the world we want to live in.  Sometimes when we share our views with each other, I think its being accounted for, and one day when we die, you'll see it all take place.  I believe its possible for you to just, start all over, maybe another planet, in another galaxy, you practically live the same life but you end up making different choices, something small, like you decide to skip recess one day in school, and that expands your life by 20 years.  I have another theory, probably my most interesting one, when people die, their souls are sent to certain human entities, immediately.  Like, have you ever wondered why/how some people change?  I think our souls/spirits move around more than we think, someone you may have known all your life, suddenly changes, is it possible their soul/spirit was taken over? or switched with someone else's?  When we lose people in our life, we know so much about who they are physically, that we tend to not let them go, like the way they smiled, how they felt when you hugged them, etc., but I don't think people ever think, there's a possibility that, their spirit could've easily migrated into someone who is already in their life, or soon will be.  Think about someone close to you, you've lost, and think about people you're close with now, I know there's some similarities.  I told you they have yet to be solidified, so if that made no sense, don't blame me, blame my brain, lol.

More interviews coming soon!
Stay Tuned!
Peace and mo Old Navy Fleece!

Interview Marcus "The Ranter" Vol. 1

"When you mess with Good Burger, YOU, go in the grinder!!"

That quote has nothing to do with this interview, but, here we go!  
This first interview was conducted by my good friend
Andrea Crawford.

Q: Where does your love of Technology come from?
A: Well it all started as a young infant in my mothers tummy, I over heard the doctor say "he may not make it", so you know what I did?! I FOUGHT MY WAY UP OUT THAT MOFO, lol, no seriously, my mother said birthing me was painless, which means I'm special [blushing].  Anyway.  My love for Technology, Gadgets, and Electronics and all that stuff, started when I was young, I always wanted to know how things work, the cause of the effect, naturally, Science was my favorite subject, but I hated math (they go hand in hand).  So from time to time I would take things apart, and put them back together, fix little things around the house, but when my mom bought my first computer, thats when it really kicked off.  True story, I was on my computer, and it was going slow, so, knowing me I'm like "Light bulb!!", I unhook all the wires, and opened the computer up, I then remembered why it was going so slow, my friend who sold it to me took a stick of RAM out of it, for some odd reason, I took the other stick out just to examine it....but I put it back in backwards, lol, I closed it up, hooked everything back up to it, turned it on, and heard nothing but crackling, I hurried up and turned it off, unhooked everything, and saw smoke coming out the back vent...I thought it was gonna blow up so I didn't touch it for a while.  When I finally decided to open it up, I saw the stick of RAM was fried!... hasn't happened to me since...learn by experience

Q: Have you played on every gaming platform ever made? Which one is your favorite and why?
A: There are a LOT of gaming platforms that have been released over the years, someone without knowledge of the number and only know of the popular ones will say they have played them all.  So the answer is, no, I haven't played them all, but I have played a lot of them.  My favorite console, to this day, would have to beeeeee....SNES aka Super Nintendo.  My love for this console is hard to explain, I still have plans of re-buying it, just to have, but I do have a SNES Emulator (basically a computer program that allows you to play all the old school/new school consoles and games) and I'm always firing it up, my favorite game for the SNES would have to be Zelda: A Link to the Past, my brother and I spent soooooo much time trying to beat this game, I don't think we ever beat it, when I got the SNES Emulator, I dedicated myself to it, and finally beat it, and this was like 2-3 years ago lol.

Q: Have you met a famous person? If so, how did you meet them?
A: Ummm, I met Reggie Miller, Cheryl Miller, and their family once.  My father took me, my brother, and our babysitter to Sizzler (we goin siiiiizzzler, we goin siiiiiizzler), our table was sort of toward the back (it was packed that night) by the window.  So there we are, eating our food, my brother looks over, then looks back at me and says "Marcus, dont that dude look like Reggie Miller?", I looked, I say "Yeah older brother....he does look like Reggie Miller" (OK, you got me, I didn't say it like that), then I said "Ask daddy", my brother says "Hey, Father, the one who giveth me life, doesn't that guy look like Reggie Miller?" my father then says "Yeah.....hold on...that IS Reggie Miller man!" lol.  Nice people, he introduced us to the family, my father, being the talkative mofo that he is, made chatter with them until we finished eating, we shook their hands on our way out.

Q: As a Piston Fan, do you think Kuester should be replaced? Who do you think should take his spot?
A: Coach Q isn't really a bad coach, I try to give him credit and look at some of the positive things, but, yes, absolutely, he should be replaced.  There are several coaches out there, a lot of them not willing to come to Michigan though, we could've had Avery Johnson before the Nets picked him up, but they wanted to sign him to like, a 3 year contract, Avery knew it would take longer to get the team together, so he wanted something more like 6 years, and a little more control than what they were giving him, I think he deserved it, Pistons organization thought otherwise.  The first place I'd look is Rick Adleman (Rockets ex-coach), see where he's at and see what his plans are, though the Rockets have missed the playoffs the last 2 years, they also don't have ANY stars, but they were also way over .500, and only missed the playoffs by a couple of games, with a team full of role players.

Q: Your favorite sequel movie, what is it!!!! Tell me now!
A: lol, I have no idea man.  There are a lot of sequel movies I love!  Harold and Kumar 2, Rocky IV, X-Men 2, Spiderman 2, The Punisher 2, Lord of the Rings: Two Towers, Scary Movie 2...I could go on all day, but, if I haaaaad to pick a favorite to watch out of all of those, if there were on TV all at the same time.....I would...not pick a favorite and just watch Tom n' Jerry.

This is the end of the first interview!! 
a success indeed.  
More to come later 
Peace and mo Old Navy Fleece.


Interview Me

Show me what ya got!!

I think I've run out of things to rant about, for now at least, and I've run out of things to tell you guys about me, so, I'm gonna open the floor for questions....THATS RIGHT, EVEN YOU! CAN BE A MILLIONAIRE! (I don't know where that came from dude)  Any who.  I wanna do something like a 4-part interview, all different blog posts, I'll randomly select a couple of my friends to conduct the interviews, they're going to be real interviews too, not "why you aint called me in 2 years?" or "why you cant take yo baby to the doctor" and "whats yo favorite color."  I'm asking for good, interesting questions, do your research, I'm not sure how many, maybe 5, depending on how intriguing the questions are, the answers might be extra long, y'all know how I am lol.  So, get ready, for those of you who want to interview me, just let me know, if this catches on and becomes popular, I'll pick someone to interview me every week! "yaaaaaaay"--Special Ed


In a perfect world....In my mind

That L word (not lesbian...pervert) used to excite me before I fell in it.  Was always so mysterious, saw nothing but hope when I heard it, said it, saw it, felt it.  Now, its almost the exact opposite.  Hopeless, fearful, its just scary...even when I say it to my closest friends, it doesn't roll off the tongue (or off the fingers) the way it used to.  I think I've turned into a typical man when it comes to that word and all it holds.

Damaged from a couple failed relationships here and there, heart breaks from a few friends, disappointments, abandonment.  I'm not blaming anyone, in the end its all my fault, but all of it, has taken a toll on me.  I just want to be alone.  I used to want to get married, have a big family, the whole, I'll settle for a puppy.  I was always one of those people, that no matter what people did to me, I didn't let it discourage me, I wouldn't let it change me, but one year, it just all came on too heavy, one after another.  It's depressing.  I have a theory, not really a theory, just, a cool idea (aka a theory).

I consider myself to be a good person, for the most part.  Ever since I was little, I always dreamed of meeting that one girl, having a big family, and growing old with her...this is not an average dream for a kid, or even a young adult in high school.  In my mind, in a perfect world, I feel like, genuinely good people, shouldn't have to unnecessarily suffer through life lessons just to obtain certain goals or things they want in life.  I know what it sounds (looks) like, but hear (read?) me out.

We humans tend to look over a lot of little things in life, we're also very hard headed, we have a natural knack for wanting to find out things the hard way, but, there are some people, believe it or not, who just....get it.  We know who these people are, the ones who have shoveled so much crap in their lives, yet they remain positive, continue to watch out for people, continue to work hard to make things happen in their own lives, always appreciative, and they continue to set examples for others, by their way of life, bad thing after another continues to happen to em', and you want nothing more but for that person to be happy.  Meanwhile.  You have people who are just genuinely not nice at all, you know who they are, the ones who continue to make bad life choices yet they never seem to get punished for it, seems like the punishment falls on the genuinely nice people....I believe we call that a Whipping Boy.  I feel like I've learned unnecessary lessons in my life, like things that have happened that almost make no sense, like, you don't take a car away from someone who gets on their knees every night and morning to thank God for transportation, you take a car away from the selfish spoiled brat who acts as if they are too good to take the bus and they look down on people who do.  In a perfect world, in my mind, thats how it is.

Cutting it short as usual, maybe you've felt this way as well, I'm sure its all for a reason, and I'll be better off without a wife and 10 kids.  lol

Get to Know Me

Just a few random things about me:

Due to putting in thousands of hours in video games, I honestly believe I am prepared for a Zombie Apocalypse.

A floor has an uncanny amount of comfort to me, I sleep there from time to time.

I have playlists on my iPod that include, Rock, Gospel, Rap, R n' B, and Classical.

My dream car has a base price of $25,000.

I'm a Mama's Boy...can you tell?

Like the floor, a couch has an uncanny amount of comfort, I sleep on a futon that I never let out into a bed.

I'm allergic to polyester.

Million Dollar Baby, ALMOST made me cry.

The result of my depression most of the time comes from the way other people live their lives and the choices they make, I have a passion for wanting to save the world and everyone in it.  I know I cant, still getting a grip on that...

There's something about the way women looked back in the 50's-70's, that's hot to me.

People I want to be like: Jesus, Al Bundy, Marlon Wayans, Fresh Prince.

I have a grabber, one of those things lazy (or sick, whatever floats your boat) people use to grab things that are out of their reach...I use it all the time, I lost it once, and almost lost my mind.

I have a favorite song by B2K.

I made a fake internet profile once to look at some

I'm not a fan of fried chicken, I cant eat it more than 2 times a month, my favorite part....breasts of course, but I love hot wings.

That's it for now....nosey bastards


The Social Network(s)

Who Am I?

That's a rhetorical question.  This isn't about me.  This is about the great world wide web and the lonely, lost people who find themselves in it.

[Profile: Tell Us About Yourself]

Well, Who are you?  Cant figure out what to type?  How can you maximize your personality in order to make yourself more appealing to complete strangers.  "OK, I got it, I'll play it safe." " It's been 2 days, and no one is hitting me up...maybe they don't like my pictures?  [sigh] Why doesn't anyone like me?"

Maybe you haven't struggled with it, but I can honestly say I have, all my life I've struggled with being accepted by people, no matter how nice I was, how many times I let the popular kids cheat off my test, no matter how many video games I had, I never felt accepted, I still don't, don't think I ever will.  I'm fine with that....are you?

"Maybe I should take naked pictures too?"

That's always acceptable, regardless of how unattractive you think your body is, if you begin to put yourself out there like that, you'd be surprised at the number of people who will accept you.  Perhaps thats why people do it.  The lack of being accepted for your true self can cause you to give into unintentional peer pressure.  "OK.  I'm just going to take ONE picture, and see what this person thinks."  Always starts off as 1 picture to 1 person...snowball effect...."Wow, I got new messages and comments on my page!!"...I wonder why?

"I need to take more pictures and change my profile."

Yeah, you're feeling yourself now, went from one profile hit a day, to a hundred.  While your at it, change that profile, you certainly aren't the person you once were when you started this page...its cool to be short with people and it...go! "[typing] 18 (17)....Female...In school....all about my money...hit me up"...yeah, that works...the results are in!!!...a couple of messages from a few perverts, a couple of messages from a few dudes who could very possibly be fake or just wants to have sex...but...who cares?...maybe they read your profile and thought you were interesting?

"[Blushing] they like me"

The picture is painted, the scene is set, you cant disappoint now....keep going, you know guys like to see your boobs, take more pics!  Get a little more riskay!  Noooo, don't just leave it in your My Documents folder, put it where everyone can see!  BUT!  Don't let this new found attention change you.  You're strictly here for entertainment, and because you're bored (also you don't have a job, or you aren't going to school, but, they don't know that)


You've done it.  went from being a loser, that no one cares about or shows any attention to, to a somebody, one with "real friends", one with a higher self esteem, one with self confidence and a possible first boyfriend [nudge nudge]

"...What happened?"

Oh yeah, it isn't all peaches and cream up here.  Those girls over there, those are the girls who know they look better than you and will go out of their way to let you know.  "I don't care, haters"  Those dudes over there, they don't like you either, they know you're only popular because you take riskay pics, and those guys laughing with them...those are your male "friends"....."[sigh] people are mean"

"This is the new me..."

Now that you have an established group of friends, some real, some fake.  Here's where you develop an "I don't care" attitude, even toward your real friends, the ones who actually care, the ones you treated like crap because you were too busy soaking up the attention you weren't used to getting, the same friends you'll eventually go back to and try to re-kindle the friendship as if nothing happened, as if you didn't ignore your best friend's true love because one of the popular dudes wanted to meet up with you (which surprisingly was just for sex).  This will be the new you, after a brief hiatus, you're ready to show everyone who you "really" are....who are you really? mean you aren't that same girl I fell in love with a few years ago?...what changed?....why the change?

Social Networking

Blackplanet, Myspace, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter...It's all the same, one always supposedly more promising than the next, it ends up being a big group of people following each other around from site to site.  They are one of our best methods of communication and finding out who people really are, or who they've turned into.  Yes, its real, the internet isnt a portal you fly into when you sit down at your computer/open your laptop/log in via smartphone.  You can fool yourself with idiotic remarks like "Its just the internet, its not serious" or "I'm only here for entertainment, I have a real life" if you want, but there's no denying what is becoming the biggest source of communication since the paper-cups-and-string phones.

A Social Network Observation

The more graphic/rude/"real"/vulgar you are, the more people "like" you.  This really bothers me.  I do feel the person is being themselves, but, with a little extra emphasis.  We're breeding already (well, should be) grown people into a**holes.  Just because it comes off as being "real."  I notice it a lot with both males and females, more with females because, I'm not surfing from site to site looking at guys pages.  For example.  A girl updates her status/makes a new blog post/tweets something, "I want to suck a big **** right now", boom, a bunch of thumbs ups/retweets/reblogs/ likes, whatever, things that we normally say to ourselves, or should keep to ourselves, we just openly share with everyone, I suppose it bothers me because I tend to look at a female differently for being so open about private things, its nice you have friends and they all think you're "real" and all that, but some things can be kept to yourself or between you and your close friends.  That's not giving someone all of you, thats unnecessarily stating whats on your mind.

Wrap Up

I've been nothing but true to everyone I've come across, there are no levels/sides/shades of me, its just me.  Ever notice a lot of entertainers/celebrities always make it known that there are 2 versions of them?, "there's the person you see on TV, and then there's me, the real me" shouldn't have to be that way, we shouldn't have to result to showing people one dimension and being accepted for it, only to have to go through a personality crisis just to re-find ourselves.  I'm not saying we shouldn't get lost and we should all know exactly who we are after a certain age, but a lot less people would get lost, if we would just accept people for who they are, and if people would accept themselves for who they are and stand by it.  Love yourself.

Forgive me for making that little short story about a female, I've seen it happen with a lot of females, and this blog was actually inspired by a female that I noticed the change in (shortly before I typed this), it applies to males as well, probably should be worded differently though lol. and as usual, I have more to say on the subject, but, I'm cutting it short (long) lol

Peace and mo Old Navy Fleece


Froot Loops Review!

About the cereal
Froot Loops is one of the classic breakfast cereals of our time, like Corn Pops, Frosted Flakes, and Smacks, it will continue to be on the shelves for years to come.  There are a few different variations of the Froot Loops cereal, they have a new one with Sprinkles!, and one with "Gold Bars", just to name a couple.  I decided to grab the pack of 8 mini boxes of cereal, which included a mini box of Froot Loops.  So here's my review.

The Good

  • It's definitely Frooty
  • It's colorful
  • ...My Special Reader loves it!!
The Bad

  • Doesnt last long in milk
  • Sort of evaporates into a sandy-like texture after a chew or two
  • The milk-aftermath isnt as Frooty as the cereal

Wrap Up
As I may have mentioned with other cereals I have reviewed, Froot Loops lost its PIZAZZ, somewhere along the line, possibly when they began plastering the "Good Source of Vitamin D!!"/ "Good Source of Fiber!" badge on the front of the box.  It's not nearly as crunchy as it used to be, it gets soggy a lot quicker, and it really does taste like flavorless sand after a couple of chews.  I was never really the biggest Froot Loops fan, but every now and then, I did enjoy eating them.  Now?  I want to avoid this cereal as much as possible.  I give Fiber (Froot) Loops, 1 out of 5 Bowls, it only got that because its a piece of American ('merican) History.

P.S.- It leaves a terrible after-taste in your mouth.


Illuminati #2

I'm gonna attempt to sum up the rest of the speculation and accusation and give you my input on the whole thing.

So, what do we "know"?  Jay-Z and other big time rappers/entertainers/people with lots of money, are apart of a secret society known as the Illuminati.  The All-Seeing-Eye, aka, the eye with the pyramid under it on the back of your dollar bill.  Speculators believe when Jay-Z holds up his Roc-a-fella diamond (especially when he looks through it) he does it to represent the all-seeing-eye, which some people believe is a symbol that originated amongst the  Free Masons, ( very resourceful site, its basically one of those things thats left for you to interpret, and in a situation like this, interpretation is everything, if you have it set in your mind that Jay-Z throwing up a DIAMOND (not a triangle/pyramid) is his way of shouting out the all-seeing-eye, thats just what you're going to believe.  Little known fact, there was a wrestler, by the name of Diamond Dallas Page, who also held up a diamond and sued Jay-Z and Roc-a-fella Records for stealing it from him, does that make him apart of the Illuminati too?  It's possible, those who knew Diamond Dallas Page knew his intro music was a song called Smells Like Teen Spirit, from a band called Nirvana, there most famous band member...Kurt Cobain.  Tupac Shakur, yes, that Tupac, some believe Tupac began putting the Illuminati in his music and spreading the truth about the secret society, and well, whats the point of it being a secret if every one knows? So, the Illuminati got together, plotted Tupac's death, and carried it out flawlessly.  First, I have a confession, I was one of those people who believed every year there was a 100% chance that Tupac was going to show his face again, every year, I was let down, I finally came to grips with it, Tupac died in a normal way, and thats whats so hard for people to accept, someone so big, stood for so much, went out like an average black male.  The claims basically stand on the basis of, "why was nobody arrested?" "Suge Knight is apart of the Illuminati and helped set it up" "Tupac was going to leave DeathRow, thats why Suge had him killed" etc.  I'll try to explain this the best way I can.  Tupac wasn't leaving DeathRow, Tupac was starting his own production company which was to be called either Makavelli or Euthanasia Records, Tupac loved DeathRow and Suge Knight, regardless of what people think they know, as a matter of fact, you can search YouTube or even watch Tupac Resurrection, Tupac did an interview with Suge Knight, a recorded interview, there's video footage of it, about starting DeathRow East, Tupac wanted to put an end to the East Coast, West Coast beef, after all, Pac is from the East Coast, he only had a problem with Bad Boy (and several other rappers who wanted to jump in) In this video you will also see he's wearing a Euthanasia necklace, which is the same necklace he had on the night in Vegas, so...there's that.  All the Suge Knight claims, are a mile long, but no one can answer this for me, if Suge Knight really wanted to set Tupac up, why would he place himself in the same car with him?  Suge Knight was grazed in the head by a bullet during the shooting, are you really trying to tell me the best way to set someone up is to sacrifice your own life?...that kinda defeats the purpose, if he was going to purposely put his life on the line, he should've just strapped a bomb to the car and drove to the middle of the desert.  As far as no one being arrested, people seem to forget, it happened in Las Vegas, not LA, the LAPD did all they could do as far as handing over evidence to the Las Vegas Police Department, but at the end of the day, it was up to the LVPD to make the arrests, interrogate, etc.  "So why didn't they do anything?".  This is just how I feel, its Las Vegas....Las Vegas is a playground for high rollers, big spenders, rich white men...see where I'm about to go with this?  It's the Cristal effect, a bunch of rappers start buying this expensive champagne, and the owner soon gets a little bothered by it and lets it be known he didn't appreciate the "unwanted attention".  If you run a city like Las Vegas, the last thing you want, is for the value of it to be brought down by the murder of a gangster rapper by a member of an LA Crips gang due to an altercation that occurred earlier between members of an LA blood gang, the gangster rapper and members of his entourage.  Thats not what you go to Las Vegas for, to see ignorant black males shooting each other up and fighting each other over nothing, so, TO ME, it was a situation as to where they (LVPD etc.) wanted it to just go away, so, it did, BUT, the evidence is there, it was no secret as to who killed Tupac....remember the "I Aint Mad At Cha'" video released after Tupac's death?  Funny how the two situations matched almost perfectly, its funny how Tupac himself knew he would be taken away from this world by a nobody, yet people ignore that and proceed to believe it HAS to be more complex than that.  Was Tupac telling the truth about the Illuminati in his records?  I dont know, all I know is this, and this is coming from Tupac himself.  There were dudes telling Tupac about the Illuminati when he was in jail, and he couldnt believe dudes actually felt like, what they were telling him, was some real stuff, which is why he created Killuminati "I wanted to kill all those theories"--Tupac.  I'm not sure why he would tell people the truth about the Illuminati when he didnt even respect them.

These claims can go on all day, literally, the death of Tupac and what surrounded it ALONE can go on all day, some actually believe Qunicy Jones' daughter is with the Illuminati cause apparently she talked to Tupac that night and told him not to wear his bulletproof vest, according to those believers, Tupac always wore his vest, yet, Frank (Tupac's security guard and close friend) said Pac was known for never wearing it... See what I mean?  Some even believe the Illuminati killed Michael Jackson (lol, I'm dead serious guys).

This is one of those subjects that will continue to get deeper and deeper, if you aren't careful, you'll get lost in it, I found a lot of what i heard/read/seen to be very interesting as far as the claims, at the same time, a lot of things were just bogus and a product of over-thinking.  In the end, its up to you whether you want to believe the claims or not, what annoys me is when I tell someone I dont believe in all of that Illuminati stuff, they look at me and talk down to me as if I'm dumb, and say things like "you gotta think outside of the box" "you doing just what they want you to do" "I feel sorry for you".  These believers act worse than radical Christians forcing their beliefs of God and the Bible on random people, I guess its either you believe, or you're just dumb and brainwashed.  Judging by what you've read, do I look like I just put together a bunch of nonsense just for the sake of an argument because I'm stuck in the box?  This is America (or as George Bush would say "'Merica"), it's run like a capitalist corporation, unfortunately any and everything around us is about money, the goal is to stay rich, not just get rich.  I cant look at a simple business move and say to myself that there's something bigger behind it, UNLESS, it doesn't look as simple as they (the man) try to make it seem.  There is a right and wrong time to dig for the answers, you dont dig for the answers behind rap music, for the past 2-3 years the highest selling rap albums belonged to Eminem, last year Recovery only sold a little over 2 million, the year before that Relapse did about the same numbers, how are you brainwashing people through Jay-Z when he isn't even the highest selling artist out and hasn't been for a number of years?  Thats a bad business move by the Illuminati, which is why people believe they control everything, because they are so unsure of exactly what the Illuminati controls, so they want to make claims that cover all bases, just in case, so when/if something ever goes down, they can say "I told you so".  I'm gonna wrap this up, I can talk about this all night (its 2:36am right now) if you wish to discuss this subject with me, please leave a comment, til next time!

Peace and Mo Old Navy Fleece!!

Untitled (for now...I dont blame yall for not reading this one lol)

Get Your Thinking Caps On!!!

I think I'm gonna ramble about some things, I'm bored and there's nothing to do...well, there is something to do, there's always something to do.... Any who...RAMBLE SESSION COMMENCES!:

I think some females believe I'm just talking when I say things like "I aint nobody", pardon my French, I know aint aint a word, but, its the truth, I'm not special, I'm not different, I'm not unique, a younger me would try to convince you that I am all these things on my Blackplanet and Myspace profiles or other social networking sites. A lot of dudes make the mistake of trying to prove they're different by saying it in some way shape or form, or showing it, which is why females continue to talk about males the way they do, but, back to me.  I'm just...human, we all have characteristics or traits that shine bright in a dark room, its a breath of fresh air, but to think my light wont go dim as others have is a mistake, not trying to say I've been told I'm perfect, just saying...I'm not special.  Usually when most (yes, most, if not all) females find a real nice guy they've been talking to/dating for awhile, they want the world to know, as "special" as I am, I've never really been THAT dude.  I've gotten BS reasons as to why certain females who love/loved/"loved" me didn't want anyone to know about me, "I don't want anyone to know about you and take you away from me"--thats probably the funniest one.  It bothered me more in my younger years, why wouldn't it? thats almost like watching your mom or dad (or both) show favoritism to your brother or sister in front of everyone, but they're only nice to you when you're in the car on the way to Best Buy to get the favorite child a new plasma TV.  A lot of things dont bother me anymore, one of my greatest fears used to be knowing a female thought of me as a typical dude, because I, KNEW, I was so much more, but now, I'd rather a female look at me as a typical dude than a "Special" one.

I think a lot, I think in, out, around, under, on top, through any and every box, but I dont over-think, which is amazing, its a gift, lol, seriously, there are a lot of thinkers in the world, most have a tendency to over-think simple things, like the way some people view the Illuminati....(Illuminati Rant).  I'm not saying the Illuminati isn't real or it isn't possible, anything is possible, but you have a lot of people out there who think there's this group of elite men who control, EVERYTHING, from the food YOU buy to the music YOU like.  I can't give humans that much credit, the way these certain people explain it, eventually you'd have to ask "whats the purpose of there being a God?".  I do find it interesting that everything the Illuminati is being accused of, is exactly what the Mob/Mafia, is/was.  According to the sources, the Illuminati's main goal is to brainwash us, get us to worship the devil...or money, these anonymous sources will attempt to get a point across that the two go hand in hand, and in a way, they do, no one should worship money the way some people do, but at the same time just because a person is committing such an act, doesn't mean they aren't capable of doing any right, and last time i checked, the devil doesn't represent anything good.  There's a difference between Free Masons and the Illuminati, these anonymous sources will try to convince you otherwise.  The story is.  Years and years ago, back in the 1800's, Free Masons was already an established organization/society, the Illuminati consisted of a few men who wanted nothing more than to cause trouble and start this whole New World Order (not WCW Hogan and Nash), they failed, they failed miserably, this is the part that gets mixed up, which, no one really knows the truth to, apparently the head men in the Illuminati fled and hid somewhere while all the other members of the Illuminati deceased, where did they hide? With the Free Masons, which is where the whole Illuminati/Free Mason association came from, a lot of people believe that the only upper higher elite Free Masons represent what the Illuminati stood for, New World Order.  I've seen, heard, and read interviews from multiple Free Masons, they can't seem to put their finger on why they get the blame for every tragedy in world history.  It's because you have a big group of people who are persistent on believing every or almost every person of power, has SOME sort of ties with the Illuminati/Free Masons, if you can reach the masses, you're one of them.  I understand why those people can feel like that, it makes sense, what better way to destroy/brain wash people than through our, greatest-mass-reachers?, big companies do it all the time, if you want your drink to sell, you dont let 56 Nickels from Indianapolis, IN advertise it, you're going to give that endorsement to 50 Cent, Eminem, Jay-z, Lady Gaga, Justin Beiber, Charlie Sheen (jk), and thats exactly the problem, people who REALLY believe in the Illuminati think exactly that, they dont see it as a business move, they see it as an elite group of men trying to brainwash America to like, or take to certain people/products and unknowingly feed into their New World Order, some people actually believe the Illuminati hand-picked Jay-z from earlier in his career, killed Tupac and Biggie, put millions of dollars behind Jay-z so that all the public heard was Jay-z and we had no choice but to listen to him, accept him, and be his fan, and those of us who are his fans are only his fans because the subliminal messages he puts in his music brainwashed us, or, we listened too because we had no choice because his music was being played the most. How do you feel about that?..Do you really think you're that naive? Is it possible? The anonymous sources will convince you that "science has proven that if you put messages in a song backwards and they play forward in your brain you will want to do what that message is saying"....for example "666 murder murder Jesus"--"Jay-z"...[Intro to Illuminati and Music Rant]

For those who dont know, this is where the, "jay-z is the devil!" "jay-z is a free mason!" "jay-z is in the Illuminati!"-talk started from, a DJ by the name of, DJ Danger Mouse, I believe, made a mix cd of, Jay-z's Black album, in the remixed version of Lucifer, it appears the song seems to be playing backwards, somewhere in the song, Jay-z says "666 murder murder Jesus", now, you heard that...backwards, which means, forward he would've had to say something along the lines of "susej redrum redrum 666"...makes no sense right?, in fact, go grab your Black album right now, go to the Lucifer song, and listen to it backwards, I promise you, you wont hear "666 murder murder Jesus", but, you have people who aren't smart enough to go and do their own research, so by now, this video is spreading through the internet faster than Paris Hilton's sex tape, all the way to the point where you have "Pastors" having it as the focal point of their "sermons", I saw it as an attempt to be known, but, anyway.  Not too long after that, every lyric that came from Jay-z's mouth was under a microscope, people went digging, "he has a song called Lucifer!!, he talks about dark forces in him!!, he said Jesus cant save you!!, HE'S A DEVIL WORSHIPER!".  The Illuminati must be proud.  It slowly spread from Jay-Z to, Kanye West, from Kanye, to Rhianna, from Rhianna, to LeBron James, from Lebron, to, Barack Obama, from Obama, to Diddy, from Diddy, to Kobe, from Kobe to Lil Wayne, from Lil Wayne, to Eminem, from Eminem, to Denzel Washington, from Denzel, to Will Smith, from Will Smith, to Nas, from Nas, to any rapper with money or appears to have money (al ot of these people are also accused of being homosexuals, but thats another rant for another day).  That list is so serious dude, any and everything a mass-reacher did, was put under a microscope, by default anyone who associated with Jay-Z was apart of the Illuminati, yes, Beyonce too.  Since then, it has fizzed out, though there are a lot of people who still believe it and have it in their heads that the Illuminati is behind more than what we (the non-believers) think.

To Be Continued--


Whats Up With Me #1 (Random Rapid Updates)


Well, well, you martha faulkers, nice to see I've been missed! [giving you all a dirty look...not dirty in a good way...not dirty in a "I don't see nothing wrong with a little bump n' grind" way, but dirty in a "I'm going to kill you" way]  So what's been up with me, well, here we go!!

I Was working 5 days a week, 8 hours a day, from 12:30am-8:30am at a crappy housing project where I was shot at, at least 3 times a night.

When i wasn't working...I was sleep.

I decided to attempt to be smart about spending my money, I actually tried to save
big mistake, now I'm gadget-less and broke.

So, Yes, that means I didn't get the iPad 2 or the Nintendo 3DS
but at least I got to burn a hole in my wallet and my account on gas and food right?

The Pistons didnt make the playoffs....
but the Grizzlies did!!! [sexiest dance you can think of].

Catch phrase of the year is Kobe Bryant's "Gay Slur": "...f***** fag".

Uncle Sam is taking nearly $200 out of my check every week, which means, like mostly 
everyone in this country, I'm working hard for nothing.

Technologists Anonymous & Black Phace Productions
Coming (very) Soon.

Public transportation is my new transportation so if you know someone giving
away a car in the Michigan area, hit me up.

Working for "The Man" killed my Cereal Killer spirit
working on bringing it back to life
but I need your help!
give me ideas for cereal to review (new or old)