Vol. 2
This interview was conducted
by my dear friend
Myla Seabrook
Q: If there was a zombie apocalypse, what exactly would you do? Is there anything/one you'd try to save?
A: Well, first off, during a zombie apocalypse, you cant really save anyone, we've all witnessed this in movies, you can be at work, come home, and find out your wife and 3 kids are all zombies, there really is no chance to save anyone, so, with that said, if one were to actually occur, I would take a brief look around my room, gather anything that can be a weapon, create a few weapons with what I have, find somewhere to get posted, and wait for the zombies to come to me. The best part when playing Left 4 Dead 2, is being able to place yourself in a corner and rack up kills.
Q: It's your last meal. What are you eating?
A: Spaghetti, made by me, and a carton of Minute Maid Berry Punch to wash it down.
Q: What are your most prized possessions?, three material, and three non-material
A: I dont think that highly of anything I've purchased really, but, just for the sake of listing. Material: My masks, my camera, my gadgets/electronics/technology-related-items, Non-material: my personality, my heart, my surrogate (this body).
Q: When you get all rich and famous and forget that you're still Marcus From the Block, would you want someone to write a book about your life story? What would the title be?
A: I dont think I'll be rich AND famous, I've never been popular, I don't ever see it happening. I always imagine, it'd be nice to have my family and friends be on those "VH-1 Behind the music" shows, but I have no idea what they would be saying, I dont have too many friends or family that really understand me and know enough of my life story to tell like that, but if I became rich and famous, I don't think I'd want anyone to write a book about me, but it would be nice, I can imagine the title being something simple, like..."Just A Man."
Q: What do you think the world's future will be like? Will people as a whole get worse, or do you think worldwide peace is on the horizon?
A: I think its going to get a lot worse, the way technology is advancing and all, and there will be a great collapse, I have faith in this generation and future generations, there will be a revolution, but when it happens, it will definitely be needed, and then, we can start all over again.
Q: Afterlife: yes or no? Why or why not?
A: I have theories that are yet to be solidified in my mind about the afterlife, but yes, there is an afterlife. I have one theory where, we are free to create our own world, or choose the world we want to live in. Sometimes when we share our views with each other, I think its being accounted for, and one day when we die, you'll see it all take place. I believe its possible for you to just, start all over, maybe another planet, in another galaxy, you practically live the same life but you end up making different choices, something small, like you decide to skip recess one day in school, and that expands your life by 20 years. I have another theory, probably my most interesting one, when people die, their souls are sent to certain human entities, immediately. Like, have you ever wondered why/how some people change? I think our souls/spirits move around more than we think, someone you may have known all your life, suddenly changes, is it possible their soul/spirit was taken over? or switched with someone else's? When we lose people in our life, we know so much about who they are physically, that we tend to not let them go, like the way they smiled, how they felt when you hugged them, etc., but I don't think people ever think, there's a possibility that, their spirit could've easily migrated into someone who is already in their life, or soon will be. Think about someone close to you, you've lost, and think about people you're close with now, I know there's some similarities. I told you they have yet to be solidified, so if that made no sense, don't blame me, blame my brain, lol.
More interviews coming soon!
Stay Tuned!
Peace and mo Old Navy Fleece!